Sound track

One of the most memorable things I remember about this film is the soundtrack. There was a fantastic saxaphone solo in it. Would love to be able to find it. No luck so far though.


Here's at least a lead - You're looking for the work of Basil Kirchin who passed away a couple of years ago. (add needed link prefixes etc)

Gd Luck on finding specifically whatever cuts were in the Shuttered Room - I've not found any concrete links or info. on that.


A couple of years back I bought a soundtrack to The Abominable Dr Phibes by Basil Kirchin, and there were some extra tracks containing some Shuttered Room material. I don't remember if there was a sax solo on it, though.

§« El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. »§


That's valuable info; thanks. Was that the LP or the CD edition? I'm asking because the CD seems to contain both a different tracklist and more tracks than the LP.


CD, definitely.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§


Basil Kirchin's marvelously offbeat experimental jazz score was indeed quite tasty. The score added a great deal to this movie's overall eerie and mysterious atmosphere.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


A very uncomfortable mix of gothic (harpsichord) and jazz - most of the music sounds like it was composed for a different film - it certainly has nothing to do with this one.

"If I'd been a ranch they'd have named me the 'Bar-None'."


I can see why one might feel that way, Harold. The score is indeed a very offbeat choice for a horror-tinged thriller/psychodrama like The Shuttered Room. Arguably, it was a really big risk on the filmmakers' part.

If so, tho, I do think it was a successful one. Certainly it draws attention to itself at first -- at least for being really damn good, but especially if you know it's a thriller you're going to be watching. This challenges you to debate, on some level, with yourself as to whether or not you'll accept/let yourself accept the score as a thriller-score. But, dangit if before too long that music isn't sounding exactly like the story's landscape looks, its characters act... for me, at least, the score does indeed ending up suiting the film perfectly, contributing considerably, as another poster noted, to the film's mystery and eeriness. It reveals to the viewer (and listener) a musical/filmic way of expressing those very qualities that for lots of folks will no doubt be totally new...



Funnilly enough, I hadnt seen this film for years, until I watched it tonight after tivo-ing it the other week;
I had rembered one thing tho, I hated the score and found it relentlessly distracting; 20 years later, I STILL think the same thing...
On it's own the score may be great, but it just takes you out of the movie too much for me.
On that note it reminds me of the score to "Ordeal By Innocence"; on it's own the music was terrific but it was amazingly distracting in the movie...


I saw this years ago aged about 11 but the classic soundtrack made an impression on me then. Have been dying to find it again and then there it was on you tube. I'm going on a driving holiday soon to Belgium/ Holland with a pretty girl and will get it down as a CD for our little jaunt. Amazing 40 years after it was composed Basil's work is still moving us. Shame he's not around to enjoy his new found fans.


Am I the only one who had "The Om Song", from Red Dwarf, going through his head whenever the bass/drum bits kicked in?

