Is this the one where the guy is "skiing" on the gravel behind a car, then has an accident and ends up flying into a barbed wire fence? And the Thing in the attic with the long nails?
Creepy movie!
I can shuffle cut and deal but I can't draw a hand
I saw this movie as a kid, and it has stuck with me for all this time. I had forgotten the name of the leads and the name of the movie, but finally found a picture with the guy's name.
I saw this one as a kid as well. It was the first time my parents went out and let me stay at home alone...must have been about 10 or 11. This movie scared me so bad I wouldn't move from in front of the TV until they got home...about an hour after the movie was over. As soon as they came in the door and I RAN to the bathroom because I had to pee somethin' fierce. I've been wanting to see it again to see what I found so terrifying about it...
I too saw this movie as a youngster (about 7 years old I figure) and all I can really remember is: the skiing into the barbed wire scene, and some scary being in the attic. I would love to see this movie again to see why it has haunted me for 37 years.
We all seem to have had similar experiences. I saw it as a youngster too, 14 I think, and it stayed with me. Not because it terrified me, but because I thought it was a cool psychedelic-type film and I love the soundtrack. WIsh it was available on record or CD or something. It (along with years of reading H P Lovecraft) might have been partially responsible for me turning to the High Magick path as an adult. One never knows.
Count me in as another one who saw it as a kid. I remember that it was a disturbing movie, and about who/what was in the attic, but until now, I had forgotton about that barbed wire. OUCH! I remember it now! I sure do wish Turner Classics would air it!
I remember being scared by this movie when I was 5 years old. In later years I couldn't remember the name of the movie but I always remembered watching it and wanted to see it again. I would look in the TV Guide for late night movies that sounded like it would be the one and I finally found it but it took me about 25 years!!!!!!!! It was on TNT back in the '90's. I knew it was the one from the very first scene.
I had forgotten about the "barb wire" scene but that movie freaked me out as a child! Oliver Reed was so creepy in this movie and anytime I have seen anything else with him in it, I remember this movie. I would also like to see the movie again as an adult to see why it has stayed with me all these years. This movie would be perfect for the "Chiller" channel.
That barbed wire scene has stayed with me ever since I saw the film as a kid decades ago. I just saw the film again today and was wondering about the stunt man who had to do that scene.