Mike Kelton's (Gig Young) self-defense jujutsu was believable
Somebody scoffed at what they considered, cheesy and weak martial art moves by actor Gig Young, portraying the even-tempered magazine executive husband of Susannah Whatley. I watched the movie and judge his more likely, jujutsu-based self defense responses to be believable. Actual self-defense is not neat, crisp, and entertaining. It can be sloppy brutal violent. Mike Kelton was not a trained fighter by any means. He was in actuality a peaceful, pacifist. But note that the term, 'pacifist' doesn't mean defenseless. Mike Kelton studied and practiced enough martial arts to be competent in basic personal self-defense. Note that he applied mostly edge-of-the-open-hand strikes, called either, 'knife hand', or 'sword hand'. It is rare to see the so-called, 'karate chop' or 'judo chop' or 'jujutsu chop' in martial arts competitions today. Yet the knife or sword hand is among the most effective and deadliest of hand strikes. It delivers a devastating strike that can easily incapacitate, injure, or kill an opponent. There is one drawback, if any, to the knife or sword hand strike. Using the edge of the hand versus the fist compels the person to move in closer to the opponent, but as Mike Kelton showed in the movie, that wasn't too much of a problem. I also loved his tripping move. On his back, Mike thrusts his feet between the legs of an oncoming opponent then quickly spreads his feet, hitting the opponent's ankles, spreading the foe's feet apart and causing same man to lose balance and fall.