Dis this movie scare you as a kid?
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not reallyWhen there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
This movie really scared me and it's a movie that I never seemed to forget even though I had forgotten the name of it. I watched this in the 1960's when I was 5 and I always remembered some of the scenes like something happened to the parents in their room and the face in the hay in the barn. I looked for this movie on TV for about 25 years until I finally found it on TNT in the 90's. I knew this was the movie from the very first scene. What's strange is I didn't even remember the girl in the attic at all. Maybe because I was so young and never actually saw her in the movie.
shareYes it did. i had nightmares about that red door with the spiked peephole for years. And that "thing" in the attic.. when I saw it as an adult i was happy to see that it really holds up as a quality film, with it's beautiful cinematography and bizarre soundtrack. Very special film..
shareI'm lucky if I can remember YESTERDAY! You want me to remember a million years ago when I was a kid...???
Well... I *think* it did. I remember loving the film each of the many times I saw it as a child and teenager, but I can't remember precisely whether or not it *scared* me a child. I think so, tho, because I think it was the creepy point-of-view shots of the "attic monster" -- and, near the end of the film, the disturbing grunting noises of same "creature" -- that freaked me out the first few times I saw The Shuttered Room.
It always seemed to be on, late night, when someone was babysitting me, and I was struggling to stay awake, so I only remembered bits and pieces. Saw it for the first time last night in, oh, probably about 35 years, remembering the road-skiing bit and a lot of the "monster" POV shots from the mill. Obviously wasn't going to make me wet the bed now, but another viewing took me back to days when it was damned fun being scared by a movie.
Yes it did. As someone mentioned, the door with the peephole and the attic. The fact that I can remember these scenes shows it had an impact on me, as I haven't seen the film since the mid '80s.
For years, I thought it was called "ShAttered Room". I need to watch this film again!
LOL @ PremRaj
You bet. Haven't seen it for 20 years+ so am going to revisit it.
In fact the only scenes I remember are; some"thing" looking down through the shutters at the pulled-up car in the bright sunshine outside. The spiked peephole too.
I'll let you know what a 40 year old thinks!
Watched it last night...The shutters aren't shutters. It's the pulley-house.
Great to see it again. Not as scary as I remembered but great atmosphere. The constant indian(?) drums and the fact that you don't see anything leaving it all in the imagination really worked. The film is more effective when it's a psychological horror rather than as the dramatic climax.
Well worth another watch. Oliver Reed is brooding and excellent!
Cheers, Mark (UK).
Beanpod, anyone?!
A little bit.
This was one of those '60s movies -- arguably the best decade for horror -- where, regardless of the flaws or its B-movie status, there's always this unsettling, paranoid, even eerie vibe (despite minimal violence compared to the fare from more recent decades).
Sure, it's slightly dumbish, but it doesn't seem to matter. In a '60s movie, when someone drives a distance into the country and enters an ominous vortex of some kind, you just believe it.
In later years, that effect was much harder to achieve, for some reason.
LBJ's mistress tells all:
It disturbed me when I first saw it on TV when I was around 14. I think that was around 1970. I couldn't understand why they had this dangerous girl locked away in the house.
After all of these years, I still can't understand it.
I’m sure it would have!