CORRECTION: Since reading other threads I realise that the BFI edition is NOT the full 155 minute cut with stereo sound. Ummm, I think I will be selling my BFI edition and getting the new Criterion edition!
I have the British Film Institute version of the DVD. Don't know how it compares with the Criterion one but it is the restored film and has extras, a short documentary on Tati and an interview with a continuity supervisor on Playtime about Tati.
My third viewing of the film and I think I now rate it above all other movies. Even Citizen Kane. It is a work of visual art, which films are supposed to be first and foremost.
The revealing thing about the documentaries is that they used many cardboard cut-outs for extras. I enjoyed spotting them. Also that Tati plays two other characters. I will leave this to a trivia entry.