MovieChat Forums > Magical Mystery Tour (1967) Discussion > 'I Am The Walrus' + The Beatles On Docto...

'I Am The Walrus' + The Beatles On Doctor Who

Like I said on one of the threads, "I Am The Walrus" got a mention on the classic British sci-fi TV series Doctor Who too!

Well back in late 1972 in the famous 10th anniversary story called "The Three Doctors", the then current Doctor (the late great Jon Pertwee also of Worzel Gummidge fame) gets to meet his previous incarnations (even though the first Doctor was too ill to actually take part and instead appears on the Tardis TV Scanner).

Anyway soon after the second Doctor (the equally late and great Patrick Troughton) appears, the current one tries to explain to his cute/sexy Mini Skirt/Kinky Boot clad companion Jo Grant all about regeneration and goes on to say:-

"Jo it's all very simple, I AM HE AND HE IS ME". To Which Jo replies "AND WE'RE ALTOGETHER GOO GOO GA JOOB!"

Then the second Doctor asks "What?" and Jo replies "Oh it's a song by The Beatles".

Great stuff, great show and a great song too! In fact Jo Grant actress Katy Manning is appearing in a Doctor Who convention in Swansea this month, i'd love to go and ask her if she knows all the words!

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"


As it happens it's also ironic how a short clip of the Fab Four performing "Ticket To Ride" on Top Of The Pops back in 1965 also appeared in a Doctor Who adventure and the irony is that the clip exists only because of it's use on Doctor Who. Sadly the BBC wiped that actual edition of Top Of The Pops, in fact I believe they wiped most of them from the 1960's and quite a few other programmes like Doctor Who too!

Anyway thankfully the Doctor Who story featuring The Beatles was/is called "The Chase" (back then each episode had their own names, but a name was selected for each story anyway) and was also shown in 1965 in black & white and featured the very first Doctor played by William Hartnell, actually exists in it's entirety. So that's a miracle!

The Beatles get to appear due to the fact the Doctors younger companion "Vicky" played by Maureen O' Brian, used a time/space visualiser machine (a big TV set thingy) in the Tardis and called up The Beatles and as she was from the 25th century or whatever, she was a big fan and claimed they played classical music, which raised the eye-brows of the other older companions on board.

The Chase also featured the deadly Daleks too and it got commercially released in a very collectable Dalek tin along with the 1988 story "Remembrance Of The Daleks" back in late 1993.

Unfortunatly there's much debate at present over a possible DVD release, because those involved at the BBC have claimed that they may have to remove the scene featuring The Beatles, because current copywright laws mean it would be far too expensive to release complete.

I do hope the BBC can strike a deal with Apple, Michael Jackson or who the hell makes the rules concerning The Beatles, but I do know Jimi Hendrix music got digitally removed from another Doctor Who DVD release because they were refused to include it.

Yes we live in a made world because if it wasn't for Doctor Who that rare clip wouldn't exist and yet they probably won't be allowed to release it on DVD anyway!

"You're Only Supposed To Blow The Bloody Doors Off!"
