MovieChat Forums > Magical Mystery Tour (1967) Discussion > This has to be one of the all time worst...

This has to be one of the all time worsts

Seriously this is one of the worst films I've tried to watch. The only reason I don't grade the film and give it a review is that I stopped 15 minutes in as it was giving me a headache. Somebody apparently liked dissolve edits, and cutting to some new unrelated footage every one or two seconds. I'm astounded that any of you managed to finish it.



So much for the right to have an opinion. Thank god people like mp91992 don't run things. I don't think you got the message. This film was headache inducing to me, am I an idiot for this sake? This was just one big piece of sloppy film making be it with the Beatles or not is irrelevant. I'll take Yellow Submarine any day.


Help and Hard Days Night were both MUCH better. I thought Yellow Submarine was just "alright"


Help was rather uninspired and much more a studio picture. One of the Beatles even said they ended up as extras in their own movie.
Magical Mystery Tour has several more gems in it than Help, and besides, it was a better period for them musically (it seems to me).


I like A Hard Day's Night the best, then Help!, then Magical Mystery Tour and Yelow Submarine about the same. Let it Be I haven't seen yet.

i could watch them just standing and not moving in a movie for 5 hours and i would be enetrtained
That's why I have posters on my walls. Saves on electricity

The Apple Scruffs Corps 06



I still think Help is their best movie. I like Magical Mystery Tour. It's fun, sloppy yes, very much of it's time, hard to watch, but still I like it.


I was drunk at the time (and I think stoned) and it made the film a bit more understandable because it looks as if it was in the middle of an LSD trip.

+ + + + +
I didn't vote for him.


You say it's bad because you don't like it, and you don't like it because it's too weird for you?

Pull the string, pull the string!


history is a little important here. the movie got televised in December 1967 in black and white, and this made it all the more unenjoyable for the public and critics alike, so it got panned.

nowdays it is more accepted (especially considering some of the tripe that has been made in the last 40 years), but it is still a mediocre film.

brian's death resulted in the beatles feeling the need to dive into their work (more at the insistence of paul), and they made the mistake of thinking they could replace proper script writers and present their own ideas in a film and make it fun and interesting.

they basically made it up as they went along, and when you include a bus singalong by the cast as a scene in a movie, you know you're desperate to fill space!

if you're a big fan i think the film can be appreciated as a look at the fabs trying something outside their field of expertise and stuffing it up, and if you're not a fan then i probably wouldn't recommend watching it.

in order from best to worst i'd go AHDN, HELP, YS, MMT, LIB.



Fans will always take something from any of the Beatles films but what is clear is that A Hard's Day Night is by far the best and Magical Mystery Tour is by far the weakest.


weakest, yes...but 'let it be' was by far the most depressing.



there is not much in the beatles history that i would not wish to show potential new fans, but the movies Help, MMT and LIB, along with the CD '1' would be my 4 to avoid.

some will say that including the movie Help is harsh, but if you're not a fan this film does come across as very silly.


Yeah, it's a pretty poor film all in all. The music is wonderful and the performance of I Am The Walrus iconic, but apart from that, it's pretty dull stuff.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row
