history is a little important here. the movie got televised in December 1967 in black and white, and this made it all the more unenjoyable for the public and critics alike, so it got panned.
nowdays it is more accepted (especially considering some of the tripe that has been made in the last 40 years), but it is still a mediocre film.
brian's death resulted in the beatles feeling the need to dive into their work (more at the insistence of paul), and they made the mistake of thinking they could replace proper script writers and present their own ideas in a film and make it fun and interesting.
they basically made it up as they went along, and when you include a bus singalong by the cast as a scene in a movie, you know you're desperate to fill space!
if you're a big fan i think the film can be appreciated as a look at the fabs trying something outside their field of expertise and stuffing it up, and if you're not a fan then i probably wouldn't recommend watching it.
in order from best to worst i'd go AHDN, HELP, YS, MMT, LIB.