The wizard scene/Date scene

Those scenes always make me laugh. In the first scene, the way Ringo said "WHERE'S THE BUS?" with a lisp. Just the look on Paul's face is priceless. And then the date scene with John Lennon dumping spaghetti on their plate. And the way he says "Yes, lady" when great auntie Jessie says "help me up the stairs". LOL.

"We've been waiting for you"-John Locke, Lost


I love all the scenes with Auntie Jessie, especially the one right before her spaghetti nightmare...Wendy Winters announces what time they'll pull in for lunch, then it cuts to Jessie yelling at Ringo to shut up, then he goes insane. That segment always cracks me up.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.
