Agreed. It unmistakably him. We should recall the context of this film being made or almost not made. Director Stanley Kramer and Kate Hepburn wanted to make this film with Tracy, but he was in quite poor health, in fact hadn't made a film before this one for three or four years. In consequence, the film could not get insurance (I guess it's a standard thing, to insure a film against a disaster such as one of the stars dying during filming) because Tracy was simply too big a risk. So Kramer and Hepburn both pledged their salaries (and maybe did other things, I don't remember), so the film was made. But they were well aware throughout that Tracy might not make it. Hepburn only allowed him to work a few hours a day, so the other actors filmed their scenes around him. When they reached the final scene, they realized they were essentially out of time and had one chance to film it. I think I read they did it in a single take. Kramer must have realized that what Tracy was able to give on that day was what he was going to get, PERIOD.