Favorite scene.
The firing of Hillary!
"Don't speak Hillary, just go!"
That is absolutely my favorite scene also, alextaber1.
"Then carefully, but carefully Hilary, remove absolutely everything that might subsequently remind me that you had ever been there, including that yellow thing with the blue bulbs which you have such an affection for.Then take the check, for $5,000, which I feel you deserve, and get - permanently - lost."
Love it!
From the second she says, "Start your motor." A classic scene was born.
Morrie's wigs don't come off! Until Jimmy Conway puts you in a headlock.
Dorothy (Barbara Randolph) and Larry's Delivery Man (Skip Martin) impromptu dance to the truck after he delivers the steaks. Excellent!
The scene of Spencer Tracy alone on the terrace, staring out into the dark Bay, thinking over what Mrs. P. had said to him so bluntly. You can see his mind working through it, and the light beginning to dawn, and then he says "Son of a bitch." What an actor.
Spencer Tracy's wonderful summing up speech at the end saying that if the kids feel half the love for each other as he felt for his wife...... and Kate's eyes welling up with so much emotion.
Brought that to my eyes just now.
I slept with you and you're in love with my husband. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
My favorite part is about an hour in the movie, where Tilly tells Mr. Prentiss just how she really feels. Sidney's reaction was priceless!
shareThat was one of my favorite moments as well. There is nothing like a strong, older Black woman with all her experience, telling it like it is, to put one right. Been there, heard that.
shareThat was my favorite part, too. My eyes filled with tears while he was talking to them....it was a wonderful and emotional speech and I loved it. I loved him, too, for taking the time to take the whole situation in, and then giving his speech. We need more people like him in today's world.
sharethe end credits.