MovieChat Forums > The Gnome-Mobile (1967) Discussion > Great Film Based on a Good Book

Great Film Based on a Good Book

So last night's movie was Disney's The Gnome-Mobile, based on Upton Sinclair's book The Gnomobile. When I came across the book in Seventh Grade around 1974, the movie was a very dim memory, meaning I saw it no later than 1970 and very likely earlier. Of course, now that I had an opportunity to view the movie again, the book was a dim memory. The basic plot is the same, saving a few remaining forest gnomes from greedy loggers, but the movie deviates in many respects. In the book, Elizabeth was twelve years old. Elizabeth was played in the movie by Karen Dotrice, who was about ten at the time, making the effect even more charming. Rodney in the book is changed in the movie from Elizabeth's uncle to her younger brother, played by Matthew Garber (they appeared together in The Three Lives of Thomasina and Mary Poppins). The children are traveling with their grandfather, played by Walter Brennan. Walter Brennan was a pretty terrible person but a great enough actor to make the viewer mostly forget it. He and the children relate well together. In both versions, they pick up two gnomes, but in the book they are named Bobo and Glogo and in the movie Knobby and Jasper. I can't say how the rest of the story comes out in comparison, but the movie is very joyous and greatly entertaining and I remember the book as being more somber in tone and sad in places. A lot of information is out there on the movie and not much on the book. I would recommend this movie for all ages if you don't mind a comedy which may be silly in places.
