Music of the ball scene

I got the soundtrack CD fom Krisztof Komeda, great score, but to my surprise, one of the best pieces of the movie, that of the ball scene (string quartett + harpsicord), is not included. Actually, I don't know if it was written by Komeda or if it belongs to another (maybe older) composer. Does anyone know the name of the piece or composer? The same for the piece that Herbert plays in the harpsicord before the ball.
Thanks and cheers from Chile,


to my (limited) knowledge, all the score and pieces in this film were originals from komeda. i believe that in his brilliance he is versatile enough to compose in any genre. for nwo i must simply make this claim based on the fact that no other credits are provided for the music.
hope this is of help to you,
yotam from all over the place


Thank you Zohar...
Pls. anyone who knows anything about this piece of music, please let know. I have posted this question in several web-forums and I have also written e-mails to the websites of R. Polanski and the heirs of Mr. Komeda, but so far I have got no reply.
Thanks again, Gonzalo (Chile).


Just checking in, does anyone know about this piece?


The score is entirely Komeda. Much of the score to FVK isn't on the CD you're talking about, with I don't believe is a "ligit" release. Hopefully we'll someday see the release of the entire score.


... if the menuett would fit to a disco-sound ;).
I think even Herbert would be excited :).

Just joking! Great scenes, I agree, but I'm sorry to tell, that I also have the only information of Komeda's work.

Greets to chile!

Ein gutes Bier, das lob' ich mir!


Danke Einstieiger!
Hoffentlich seen wir den kompletten Soundtrack etwas schon...
Gruss aus Chile,

Bier is gut, Berge einzustigen!
