MovieChat Forums > Dance of the Vampires (1967) Discussion > Dance of the Vampires - musical by Polan...

Dance of the Vampires - musical by Polanski (with video clips)

In 1997 Polanski created a great musical based on this movie with music by Jim steinman, starring Steve Barton and many well known musical stars in Vienna.

I think he should make a movie based on the musical. The story is similar to the 1967 movie, but it's not just a comedy. The music gives it a dark and gothic feeling, comparable to the Phantom of the Opera.

I would love to see the musical on big screen.

I put some videos from the musical in my message below.


it's unlikely to be made into an English film though with the failure of the Broadway version of Dance of the Vampires.

I'd love to see Tanz Der Vampire on screen though in German, that would be great.


the German version is the same, i have it.



I believe the best thing that can be done, musically, with the original film is to use the original music, which is brilliant in and of itself. And with this one could simply put together a soundtrack and sell it in stores, without bastardising Polanski's most brilliant film by turning it into a queer, point-missing Broadway or off-Broadway musical stage show. I suppose you'd have Von Krolock break into song in the middle of his lines, and choreograph the entire Jewish town singing and dancing to a song about the lack of existence of either a castle or a windmill in the district.


Actually, the original German musical (which was co-written and directed for the stage by Polanski) is brilliant, and keeps much of the film content intact. The musical is in sung-through format (i.e., much like an opera, with very few spoken lines) in the way of "The Phantom of the Opera" or "Les Miserables." Von Krolock's songs are dark and poignant, with titles like "Gott ist Tot" ("God is Dead") and "Die Unstillbare Gier" ("The Insatiable Appetite"), and not at all silly. And, yes, the townsfolk do have a big production number, singing of the miraculous properties of Garlic ("Knoblauch!"). (The castle/windmill lines are there too, in spoken dialog between Abronsius and Chagal.) But much of the film's original humor is still there, embodied in Alfred, Abronsius, Chagal, and company, and most of the jokes from the film, as well as its prevalent themes and subtexts (the oppression of the peasant classes by a corrupt aristocracy, and the "moral" that evil often wins over virtue), are also to be found in the original musical. Quite a delicate balance, that Polanski achieves beautifully in translating his film to the musical stage!

However, as Abronsius posted above, the BROADWAY version of the musical WAS utter trash! In an eerie parallel to what happened when the original film was "altered" without Polanski's involvement or approval, and working on the same false premise -- that "European" humor won't work in America -- the Broadway producers completely scrapped Polanski's story and tried to turn the musical into a Mel Brooks-type send-up, with (naturally, and inevitably!) disastrous results! (For Pete's sake, Chagal wasn't even Jewish in the Broadway version, and Von Krolock, not Abronsius and Alfred, was turned into the "comedian" of the piece! Travesty!)

I would LOVE to see Polanski direct a film version of his hit musical, and be able to add it to my DVD shelf beside his brilliant original film version! That would be my dream come true! :-)



I've seen the musical. And to be honest, it's the worst piece of trash I've ever seen.


i love the phantom of the opera and i was going to get the cd but i was wondering if it came in english. if anyone knows that would be great!

Music comes down and the darkness cleanses it of the suffering that made it.Then it's beauty.PotO




From what I've seen and heard with both versions, German and Broadway, I enjoyed them both. I guess I'm also biased because I love both Michael Crawford and Steve Barton, so of course I would enjoy both of their performances equally. I would love to see the musical on the big screen, that would be awesome!







Just in case some people who don't know the musical or who have only seen the Broadway version:

These are the best scenes from the European version:
Braver than we are

This is by far my fave scene. Steinman's music is just awesome. Von Krolock's butler brings Sarah a pair of Red Boots, but before Sarah can take them and run away, she meets Alfred outside of the house and they sing about the freedom they will find once they're far away from that terrible place. But Sarah tricks Alfred into leaving her alone and she thinks about how great it will be at the Count's ball (we see a dream sequence with a Sarah look alike dancing with the vampires). Afterwards Rebecca is saying a prayer and everybody in the inn sings along. So great!
You are really cute - Invitation to the Ball

Sarah flirts with Alfred in order to get into his bathroom where she is invited to the Count's ball.
Total Eclipse of the Heart

Sarah and Von krolock in an enchanting duet.
Seize the night

Alfred's nightmare
The Ball Scene

Krolock bites Sarah
Braver than we are Reprise

Alfred and Abronsius save Sarah, but it is too late!!
The Vampire's Dance

The dance finale


Great idea to post those clips here. What a pity that this DVD has never been released... BRAVER THAN WE ARE is also my favorite scene!


The Vienna Recording: [1 Of 3] [2 Of 3] [3 Of 3]

I also recently obtained the Hamburg 2005 recording, if anyone wants it, I will make it available.


I saw the play on Broadway during previews with Michael Crawford and loved it. The audience really seemed to love it as well.I was surprised when the show closed. It still does very well throughout Europe. I would love to see it again. It was really a lot of fun.


Oh thank god I'm not the only person who thinks the musical should go to the big screen.


it's a great musical.
Broadway MURDERED it! It is now the biggest flop in broadway history. Which is why a movie won't be made, though I'd love one too.
If they had left it alone, and made it like the original version it would have been somewhat of a hit for sure.
WICKED a sims 2 Movie Coming soon to youtube
