Hi I'm new :)

I didn't see this movie yet, but I watched the whole musical based on it, in German with English subtitles.
And have all of the songs also in Hungarian, plus the German recording with Steve Barton :)
And I also uploaded to YouTube the complete musical with Steve Barton :)

I'm downloading this movie as I speak, but I have a question:
Who saw the musical live?
I was suppose to fly to Hungary in June to see it, but it was canceled from variouse reasons...

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



What is the Vienna revival? It sounds amazing! What did they change in the musical?
And I didn't see Alexander di Capri on youtube, so I don't know how he is, but I must agree that I hate all the german krolocks, except Steve Barton :)
But my one true love, the one I will fly to Hungary to see him next year, if the show will still be there, is the Hungarian legend Egyházi Géza, and the most perfect Sarah there ever was, Andrádi Zsanett. The combination between those two has shocked my heart and there's no turning back :)

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



That sounds weird... haha
Few questions:

What is the scene with Von Krolock in the library? I saw 2 version, one with Kevin Tarte (the newst version) and one with Steve Barton (the first and original version), and there was no such scene.

Secondly, why does Von Krolock appear on stage and cackle? Isn't he suppose to be dead after the castle collapsed on him and crached him to death?

And wasn't the crucifix suppose to kill the vampires? So why is it starring above them?...

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



About krolock wearing the cross on his neck - WHAT??? How can it be?! It is suppose to kill the vampires!

You can see here that the castle collapsed on Krolock because of the cross!

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



Well... Is because of this it is called "Revival? :)

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.
