Not Scary, Not Funny

BORING. The kind of 'Art Film' that the dull, phony elitists like to have their tepid chuckles over.

The drab fact that it is now a staged musical further shows what stupid crap it really is. If everyone LOVES IT, there is definitely something wrong with it.

And what is so frightening about it?

At least REPULSION, though painfully slow moving, had some disturbing and shocking moments, and captured one's gradual angst-ridden descent into total psychosis. I found that frightfully effective, but not this beloved opus.

And, I KNOW, they're supposed to be two differnt kinds of films. I just prefer pure horror over sophmoric 'humor.'




Don't answer him!

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



There is no immortality but a tree's love.


Your Axed! - this film was made over 43 years ago, in a similar vein to the carry on films of that era - humor was different and so were the times, still great after all these years! :)
