MovieChat Forums > Dance of the Vampires (1967) Discussion > Well I have finally watched the film

Well I have finally watched the film

I must say that I was expecting it to be much beter.
I mean it is nice to see a different ending from the hollywood happy-ends, but it still brings me a bit anger.
The acting was realy bad, except Polanski himself, who was the only one to act realisticly, while all the others were totaly grotesq and exagurating like in a theatre.
The atmosphere was realy good and you could believe it to be the 19th century, and the cloths were realy authentic to the period. The camera was realy good as well, good frames and good editing.
But the story was not that good. it was too slow and too spreadable and not focused anough. The stereotypes were exagurating of course, such as the musical, but the developments of the characters were almost not existed at all.
Why in the musical Von Krolock was bisexual? Where is it applied in this movie? And where can we trace hints of Magda the maid's fellings toward Shagal?
And not to mention the biggest lack of this movie - not showing Krolock's regrets and suffering of being what he is. The musical made a sacred work in this point, which no one has ever made before. Only "Interview With The Vampire" with Brad Pitt had shown a suffering vampire, but the differet is that Brad Pitt was made to be like that, while Krolock was boren like this, so for Krolock not to have feelings at all is realy dissapointing.
The movie explains alot of the small details such as the vampire family and it's dinasty, and the reason they can't leave the castle is because they were born in it, so they are attached to it, and only the carriage with the horses can take them out because they aren't touching the ground.
And it finally answeared to my question of why Krolock didn't bite from the first sight, becuasehe wanted to play with them like a pray, to enjoy this tourture on them in his long lasting eternal life.
It's all very nice, but I'm sorry to say that the musical is so much better and preciced than this movie, and I'm saying it after seeing the original cut of the British edition.
Perhaps it is the fact that has been past 43 years ago that made this movie to be a little bit hard to diagest in today's standarts.

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.


"Perhaps it is the fact that has been past 43 years ago that made this movie to be a little bit hard to diagest in today's standarts."


And I think that it's not good to see the musical as standard. The standard has to be the filom whereas the musical is an updated and modernized version of it. Therefore more recent developments of vampires e.g. as in 'Interview with a vampire' could be added in the musical.
