The musical is fun,

but I completely forgot that I had seen the movie too. It wasn't until the final scene, where Sara turns and attacks Alfred, then I suddenly recalled a scene almost just like it. Just a bit different.

It was a Dutch version I saw, a bit of a shame as I do prefer original songs and plays but it was quite enjoyable, well paced and well played.

I don't see the ending of the musical as that unhappy an ending. Granted, not a classic happy ending where the hero saves the day, far from it, but not that gloomy.

I definitely have to look for this movie, it's been too long.


I'm glad you enjoyed the musical :-)
But by Dutch you mean Germany of Denemark?
Sorry for my bad understanding of english terms

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.



Did they use the dutch actors for the dates in Belgium?


Realy?! They playing also in Holland?!
I thought that the new productions are only in Belguin

Egyházi Géza is my new husband ^__^



That is SO COOL!!!

I hope that they will release a dvd of their performance!
Both the Polish and the Belguin have DVDs of their performances - but they don't performe anymore and not even selling the only memorial thing from their work!

Egyházi Géza is my new husband ^__^
