if you did a remake

since it's all the rage these days, remakes and vampires, if you got to write the remake, what would you leave in? what would you change?



Have to agree....but, if I was to do it, I would keep Steve Barton as Krolock, I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Michael Crawford, but his version of the character is not the portrayal that was intended for the character....Krolock may be a vampire, but he's supposed to be a gentleman......which is why the portrayal from the Broadway was made into a comic character, because Crawford felt he would just be playing the Phantom again....only with fangs this time.....

Besides, an adaptation of Dance of the Vampires would be amazing, think of all the set pieces that the play has, it would make an amazing movie....I can already see the trailer, shots of the ball, the two "heroes" rushing to Sarah's "rescue", Krolock and Sarah, while the musical's version of Total Eclipse of the Heart plays over it....text begins to show "From the mastermind behind Bat Out of Hell, and the mind of Roman Polanski.....comes a movie musical event for the ages.....this fall.....you are invited to the dance........Jim Steinman's Dance of the Vampires".

