Missing Footage
Well, this forum is hardly ever looked at (apparently!) but I'm gonna try anyway. So what does anyone know about the deleted footage? I understand the stuff was used for the Roadshow version, but was scrapped for general release. I understand that the current dvd is the shortened version. Here's what I know to be missing:
1.) The prologue with Dr. Dolittle traveling to Africa to cure the alligator's bad tooth.
2.) Emma's verse of "Beautiful Things." If you look on the theatrical trailer, there's a bit where Emma and Matthew are inside the tent; that doesn't exist in the current version. I don't know if it was a part of that song or not. The editing around the song doesn't really indicate whether anything's missing or not. Perhaps the song was recorded completely, but not filmed with Emma's part.
3.) The entire song "Where are the words to Describe Her?" As sung by Matthew on the boat, to an exhausted Emma.
4.) The entire song "Something in your Smile" sung by Rex Harrison. This is probably the most hauntingly beautiful and lyrical song in the movie. And they cut it. Good move, dorks!
That's all I know about. All those songs are in their entirely on the soundtrack album. Photos of the missing scenes are included in the old lp release. The synoposis accompanying those photos describes the missing scenes.
Well, so what do we know? Do the missing scenes still exist? Is there any chance of a restoration some fine day? I will post this comment here, but I may have to wait a couple years for a response, it seems...lol