Weirdest film ever -

Finally got round to re-watching this classic on dvd - what a bizarre movie - cross dressing seals being snogged and a psychedelic giant pink snail - dont get me started on the lunar moth with a saddle on it - unintentionally disturbing yet brilliant - nice direction from son of Max Fleischer, Richard -



I watched this in the theaters when it was released and so I was very young. I went in and out of sleep. I only remember the giant snail. Horrible film for a young kid. Thanks Hollyweired!


The question is would this be able to transfer to the Broadway stage today?


You have to remember this was taken from a series of books by Hugh Lofting.

The books are pretty much off-the-well, but the book versions make the things like the cross-dressing seal and the snail seem less outrageous. In the books, the interaction between the Doctor and the animals is seamless: although he is supposedly conversing with them in their respective animals voices/sounds, all the dialogue is in English - even when it comes to animals of different species talking to each other (e.g., Jip the dog talking to Gub-Gub the pig, calling him a "stupid piece of warm bacon").

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"
