Highly Over-Rated Movie

The acting was good but the facts behind the movie are very poor. Clyde was a vicious cop killer and he let everyone know it. Plus the movie mixed in some of John Dillinger's traits and personality and Clyde was not like this at all.

Movies are Art and Art is Personal Interpretation


-First this is more an artistic move than a historical Biopic.
-Second the reason this is such a classic is not It´s historical accuracy but the fact that this a pioneer movie. Before this movie, any other movie had shown such graphic violence, sexuallity and humor on one single motion picture.
Third the fact that this characterics were so pupular among the youth of the time, made studios greenligth projects like "The Godfather" or "A clock work orange". This movie opened the gate for a whole new generation of filmakes (a.k.a. Coppola, Kubric, Spielberg, Scorssese, Polanski among others)and films. Even Jaws and Star Wars own a little to Bonnie & Clyde.
In conclution the reason for this movie being so higly regarded is it´s revolutionary characteristic that influnced some of the best american directors and are still preceptible today.

P.S. A piece of advise: When ever watching higly rated movies that doesnt belong to your time, always look to the cultural context from wich it camed from and then you´ll understand why such ratings.

Are you talking to me???




Movies on IMDB are not overrated, you're just of the minority that doesn't bloody LIKE THEM!


it is a movie not a documentary.


"... Clyde was not like this at all."

And you knew him personally, did you, N'ass?



p1ss off, idiot.


Ya know at first I thought so to, but as the film picked up I really began to like it more. Pretty much after the scene Gene Hackman's character gets blasted in the head, did the film get really good for me.


I have to agree with the OP, oddly enough...I do agree it's overrated, it's a good movie, I like how everything looks in it, but I do not consider it to be a great movie, I managed to get through seeing the whole thing once, and that was about enough for me.

