You'd almost think that riding in a car is as comfortable as riding in a train. These were not very realistic filmed scenes for 1967 cinematography capabilities.


It is true that the interior cars shots are a little too smoothe for all these dirt roads they are driving on, but in relation to cinimatography, directors want to limit distractions in their shots as much as possible. If the exterior of the car is constantly jarring through the window the audience is more likely to miss part of the dialogue.


They do it for lighting control and simply because it's easier technically for the crew. The dialogue is usually overdubbed later in the studio anyway. In fact, the whole opening sequence in B&C, where he meets her and they walk through town and drive away and she agrees to join him, were all overdubbed, as were all the action sequences.


You want the audience to throw up because the camera is constantly shaking?

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'
