The Mothman's first movie

This was ironically made shortly after the so-called Mothman terrorized inhabitants of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in late 1966. Peter Cushing viewed it as his worst film and Robert Flemying hated working on it. Most of the cast complained about the small, cost-effective (cheap) sets.

Made by Tigon, it's quaint and frugal, but it's not THAT bad. Fans of Cushing and British horror produced by Hammer, Amicus & the like should appreciate it to some degree. One problem is that the creature is revealed too early, albeit from a distance. However, when it's fully shown it works for what it is (for that time period, anyway). Another issue is that what a certain character is doing with his dubious experiments is muddled. For details see this thread

Wanda Ventham is striking and charismatic; she happens to be the mother of Benedict Cumberbatch. Meanwhile Vanessa Howard is cute.
