General Midwinter's invasion plan
I love the way that Billion Dollar Brain pokes fun at mindless anti Communism in the form of General Midwinter and his Crusade for Freedom. His speech/rant about love to his men, and his belief that his super computer would provide him with the right programme to defeat Communism are so ludicrous that you have to laugh at him.
"I love the smell of gunfire."
The invasion force reminds me of the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. Did JFK really believe that a CIA trained force of 1500 men would topple a well armed Cuban Soviet backed army?? Surely it was doomed to fail. The same thinking would later lead to another disaster in Vietnam on a much larger scale.
In BDB, Midwinter hopes to enter Riga in Latvia, in the sincere belief that the people will rise up against the Soviet rulers. Should I mention that he has zero air cover to protect his troops?The sincere belief that with God on your side,and a vast sum of money, you can defeat any Godless enemy was "stupid" as described by Colonel Stok.
I wonder if George W Bush ever saw this film??