MovieChat Forums > Billion Dollar Brain (1968) Discussion > Newbigen discovers Anya's treachery earl...

Newbigen discovers Anya's treachery early on but..

does nothing about it before he gets kicked off the train for Moscow and subsequently killed. I'm talking about the scene where Leo receives instructions from the Brain to take out a Russian uniformed officer (I believe that's how it was phrased,from memory). He carts his telescopic rifle to the roof of a building, takes aim and who's in the crosshairs but Anya! He doesn't tell Harry nor does he seem to take precautions arou8nd Anya afterwards. Also subsequently when Anya receives orders to kill Harry but fails, why then does nobody else in Midwinter's organisation finsih the job? Harry is able to operate with impunity even in Texas. Any ideas people?








The Cold War was great fun for arms manufacturers and opportunistic politicos, rather less so for the man-on-the-street. It's a truism that if the USA didn't have an arch-villain to oppose, it would have to invent one.


Even if he (and Anya) were united in both betraying The Brain, surely even lovesick Leo could work out that he was gonna get it in the neck from Anya eventually. And why if she had her own agenda did Anya follow orders from The Brain to kill Harry? If she were working for the Russkies ie Colonel Stok, she would know that Stok did not want Harry liquidated. Oh heck, why am I obsessing about these things-it was the 60s and Ken Russell was in charge!







Yes, you're right, I do love obsessing over such details, it's what they invented the Internet for hehe.By the way, did anyone notice on the DVD version, they cut the scene with the Beatles-loving rebels. I guess it's for copyright reasons but it's a shame.



Just noticed that while watching it again.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.




Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.
