MovieChat Forums > Barefoot in the Park (1967) Discussion > Movie Comparisons to Your Personal Life

Movie Comparisons to Your Personal Life

For example, when my husband and I were first married about five years ago, we lived in a trailer that had a really tiny bedroom, and the bed just fit in there, along with the dresser. Of course, we had to climb over the bed to get to the closet. Since then, that trailer has been through a flood, repaired, and moved out of. Now, we live in a house.

Recently, my husband and I were walking home after swimming at the Y. He was wearing Crocs, and I was wearing regular shoes. There's a small park en route to our house, so he took off his Crocs and we walked through the park.

Do you have any stories?


My boyfriend and I used to live in a two bedroom flat. We met not long after he moved and we met randomly on the main street of my hometown. We were dating for three weeks when he asked me to move in with him and by the time I moved in with all of my stuff - there was no room to move! To get to my side of the bed I would have to move the sidetable to the window. We had no bath, just a shower and my boyfriend hates showers! We had very eccentric neighbours up the laneway where we lived who would do similar things with their rubbish from this film. I would walk my boyfriend's dinner to work when he worked the late shift and he would make me promise not to show PDA when he was at work because 'it's embarrassing'. My wonderful boyfriend appears to have very similar complexities with Robert Redford's character and I was always trying to lighten him up (a trait of mine that sometimes he doesn't understand). Although we don't walk 'Barefoot In The Park' we do jump in puddles when it rains!

