Breakfast at Tiffany's

This movie reminded me alot about it.

Especially the part where Jane Fonda is in Redford's pajamas.

"In Kazakhstan we say it goes God, man, horse, dog, woman, rat and then little kretullis."



I know I kept comparing the too movies. It definitly reminded me of Breakfast At Tiffany's. Especially Robert Redford's character, he kept reminding me of "Fred". jejejejeje


I totally agree. I think it has to do with the New York setting. Both were clearly part shot in a studio (sets are somewhat familiar too) and on location in NYC. Ultimatley I think they share the same spirit and feel. Both are classics though!!!

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"


Indeed, the sets look very familiar ! Specially the corridor with the mailboxes: I don't know if many New York buildings have the same kind, but it appears almost exactly like Holly's.
" You ain't running this place, Bert, WILLIAMS is!" Sgt Harris


When I was smaller, I thought the movie was the sequel to Breakfast at Tiffany's because the characters are similar but not.
