Favorite Lines

Corey: "If you're still here when I get back I'm getting a dog."
Paul: "A dog. What until he sees those steps he'll go right for her throat."

Paul: "And thus it was writte, some shall die by pestilence, others by the plague, and one poor shnook will get it from a whole in skylight."

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


Corie: "Six days does not make a week"


"I dreamed that we had went to heaven, but we had to climb stairs"


Corie: My divorce! When do I get my divorce!

Paul: How should I know? The marriage license hasn't even come in yet!


Drunk again, huh? (the policeman)
That minor moment was really great.

We can't be lost; we don't know where we're going.
All that matters is that we're going.


When Corie asks Victor to pick her up so that she can turn on the heat and he says "with the greatest of physical pleasure".


Victor: Have another one. Quickly.
Ethel: Oh, no thank you, really.
Victor: Oh please! One makes you sick. Two starts you on the road to recovery.

Corey: And you better not come back because I'm buying a big dog tomorrow.
Paul: That's fine. Just fine. Now you'll have somebody to walk barefoot in the the park with!

Corey: Six days does not a week make.
Paul: What'duz THAT mean?

Not really a line, but an action...
Corey: Don't touch me!
[Paul Tries to touch her arm with his finger]
Corey: Don't you lay a finger on me!


Too many favorite lines...First time watching I thought Victor was annoying, but after re-watching, he's really grown on me!

Victor: I knew it would come to this. Being helped by women!

Victor: I think I have a new ailment, which I shall call "intestinal volcano".

Victor: It hardly ever happens, except after every meal.

Victor: Cory, do you have about 300 aspirins?

I better stop now before I quote the rest of his lines...!


Corie upon opening gift of coffee pot: Does it come with directions?

Mother: if I'd known about the state of this kitchen it would have come with hot coffee.


Paul: "What will I tell them?"
Ethel: "Make up some clever little lie. Tell Corey I'm not really her mother."
