Car in Staten Island?

Has anybody else wondered where Paul (R. Redford) got the car he drove in Staten Island?


I did, it was never explained. I guess it was possible to rent one?

Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Forever


They had a car. They took it on the Staten Island Ferry. No explanation needed.


If that was true then Mr. Velasco wouldn't need to escort the mother using public transport. He could've driven her home. From what we've seen none of them owned a car.

Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air


He was going to drive her home in her car and then take public trans. back home.


The mother, Ethel Banks, parked the car 3 blocks away, had to run the last two because it started raining, got her heel stuck in the subway grate that made her step in a puddle before a cab splashed her on the night she was having dinner with her daughter and son in law.


Paul stole it after Corrie showed him how to hot wire them.🐭
