MovieChat Forums > Barefoot in the Park (1967) Discussion > Why didn't they patch the hole in the sk...

Why didn't they patch the hole in the skylight?

Why wait for the super to get around to it? If I was in a freezing apartment, and it was about to snow, and there was a hole in the skylight, I'd at least tape some cardboard over it, or shove a towel in, or something.


Probably because in the last scene he was talking to his wife through the hole and wouldn't have been able to do so if it was covered up!


Right? Or demand it be fixed before moving in. Or just get a damn space heater for their 'bedroom' so they wouldn't be freezing when they slept? Or any other reasonable remedies to this issue. But nope, we're supposed to laugh like hyenas as if it's the funniest thing in the world. This movie grated on my nerves. It must be a generational thing. I don't find easily fixable problems not being fixed (due to stupidity or just written to be funny) to be all that funny.
