violent cartoon

Seed Racer is suppose to be a family cartoon, but it has some violence sequence. The fight scenes are brutal and violent, the villains and the good gets killed. It seems that the American company had a problem of cutting out all the violent scenes. This is not a kids show. It is more of an adult show.


Poor attempt at trying to be funny.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


thats what makes me laugh the hardest when i see it these days. They have massive car crashes that would cause painfull deaths. But my favorite would have to be the episode where Racer X gets shot in the head witha sniper rife at almost point blank range and is alright afterwards, classic material folks.


I love in the begining credits when you see one of the cars slip up and go flying through the air, and finally crashing with a huge explosion. Pretty funny



Thats my favorite, the car flying and exploding! He was driving along fine, until...I guess he spilled his coke or something.


This post looks like a troll but I'll bite anyway...

The original un-edited "Tom & Jerry" and "Looney Tunes" were also considered "family friendly" back in the day. Considering "Speed Racer" was edited for US television back in the late 60s (before the wave of TV violence censorship in the 70s and 80s) it's not surprising to see that it remained mostly "intact" from the Japanese version (that is to say the cultural mimicry of popularized adult-oriented racing movies [e.g. Bullitt] from that era influencing Japanese comics and cartoons). The DVD releases are intended, I think, mostly for the Speed Racer fans who grew up with it and are going for the nostalgia thing. So to be fair i don't think it's intended for as wide an audience as it had back in the '60s.

That being said of course, in my opinion if any parent thinks any material is inappropriate for their children they have to take the initiative and activly restrict what content their children are exposed to.

"$30 for the One True Ring. $10 each additional ring!"
-- JRR "Bob" Tolkien


one of my favorite speed racer moments was when racer X ran a motorcycle gang off the road and into a rock wall, resulting in a huge fiery explosion that no one walked away from. racer x callously quips, "that ought to hold them for awhile."


If you think THIS series was "violent," (It wasn't that violent, even for the sixties.) you should have seen the uncut versions of anime series like Captain Harlock, Macross ("Robotech") or Space Cruiser Yamato ("Starblazers"). They had it beat a mile, especially Harlock. I'm sure there are even better examples I'm not mentioning, because I've paid little attention to anime since the eighties.


Here's a casualty that tops all casualties in this cartoon series. A young girl named Lorena, daughter of Dr. Nightcall gets shot to death by this master villain named Cumulus in this episode titled "Mach 5 vs. Mach 5 (Part 2)".


Yes, that was one of the worst, though it's never clear exactly what happens to her. I don't think he shot her; it looks more like he gasses her somehow. Perhaps the shot was tweaked, but they really didn't have the budget for that sort of thing back then.



It is violent but its a good example of what whould be allowed in a Y-7 cartoon, I mean look at the stuff made these days, theres no guns, beer, or tobbaco related things yet just taking your kid to a gas station will result with them seeing that stuff, plus most toons take place in modern US, yet theres no guns or anything so they really just take place in a modern US but hippified in a way.


In "The Race Against the Mammoth Car (Part 1)", Speed says "damn" when one of the goons of Cruncher Block shoots the camera.

"Are you trying to say "capisce"? Because it hurts my ears the way you say it."


For years I thought he said "Damn" as well, but after watching it on DVD I believe what he actually said was "Them!" Check it out again.

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