Still cool after all these years!
Sometimes when we revisit old movies and shows that we thought were great as kids, turn out to disappointing when seeing them with an adult perspective. Not the incredible Japanese manga "Speed Racer" though. This is just as cool and high quality as i remember it's also "bigger" than I remember it being. I didn't remember all the different, exotic loacations that Speed and his companions traveled to, and just how strange some of the situations were. today i find the series quite surreal, and quite good on an artistic level. I even had the opportunity to see two episodes in their original Japanese format, with English subtitles, and it is even better! i would gladly buy that Japanese dvd box set for 300 bucks, if only they included English subtitles! Maybe a label like 'Tokyo Shock' will pick this up for English speaking audiences. That would be quite incredible. It's actually violent enough, and has a strong enough cult following to merit a release. Unfortunately that might not happen considering that the live action movie was not a commercial success..
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'