Hitchcock Influences on INVADERS
Having recently purchased both seasons on DVD, I've been rediscovering this great show. It had some of the best writing, before the CGI aliens took over.
What dawned on me was how many episodes took cues from Hitchcock.
In the episode NIGHTMARE, Kathleen Widdoes fearfully learns that her 'keepers', Robert Emhardt and Jeanette Nolan are trying to convince her she's going mad, and, as an added bonus, plan to off her. NOTORIOUS popped in mind. This episode also had moments reminiscent of THE BIRDS, with locust.
In SUMMIT MEETING PT.2, Vincent cooly swipes an alien's briefcase, similar to the scene from TOPAZ.
In THE INNOCENT, the aliens force liquor down Vincent's throat, then send him off on a runaway car; taken directly from Cary Grant's drunken ride in NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
Also, when Vincent finds a regeneration station, and brings the police or other characters back there, everything is 'normal', alien equipment (proof) is now gone. Just as in NORTH BY NORTHWEST, again.
Many of the women, were cool blonde allies, that Vincent wasn't sure if he could trust. Sometimes they would end up being aliens, or were in collusion with them, and would betray Vincent. The 'cool blonde Hitchcock motif'
There's more, but I'm a bit beat now.
Can anyone else point out other 'Hitchcock' inspired moments?