The final scene

Does anyone else think it was remarkably done? I love Susan Hampshire's voice anyway, but in that scene it seemed even more beautiful.

"I'm here, all the time. I do love you so much."

And she looked at him so lovingly!

Eric Porter was great, too. It seems to me that too many death scenes feature dying people who have too much energy. I like people get a "final wind" sometimes, but I liked how Porter played Soames as a WEAK dying man. I liked that I couldn't really understand everything he was saying either, and that it seemed to take so much effort for him to say what he did.

Anyone else enjoy it as much as I did?


I agree about the death scene being well done. It had me all choked up, because Soames Forsyte seemed very real to me by the end of the series. Here was a guy who'd been thwarted in love and badly maligned, I think, for most of his life. He never was forgiven for his one real crime---the rape of Irene---and what's more, he took additional blame for much else that was really HER fault in the marriage.

But in his love for his daughter, Soames found final redemption. He died a "good death," saving the person he most cared about...and also, his death shocked Fleur back to her senses. It helped this spoiled girl see the consequences of her own selfish actions. In future, we are to assume, Fleur finally grew up and got her priorities straight. So that last scene was doubly poignant, considering the tragedy of Soames passing PLUS what a deep and lasting impact his death would leave on his daughter.


Well said 'ameilius' - I echo your sentiments.


I've just finished watching the series and found it utterly magnificent. It was so easy to forget that it was from 1967 and in black and white.

As for the final scene, I always remember my mother saying what a fine performance it had been, and I agree with her on that.

Wasn't it marvellous how they managed to keep the same actors throughout the 26 episodes. I think they aged them pretty well, all things considered.



I think they aged them pretty well, all things considered.

Except of course for Irenee.
