I recently bought the BBC series "The Forsyte Saga" (1967) as a DVD set and was surprised to find it all in Black and White. I know B&W is how it started out but I feel sure some later episodes were broadcast in colour. Right or wrong ?
The original 1967 FORSYTE SAGA was done entirely in black-and-white. The recent remake was in color. The 1949 MGM film THAT FORSYTE WOMAN, adapted from the first novel and starring Greer Garson and Errol Flynn (as Irene and Soames) was in Technicolor and occasionally shows up on Turner Classic Movies.
"...don't let's ask for the moon - we have the stars!"
Although the entire series is black and white, I have seen stills from it in colour. I assume they were taken during production for publicity in magazines etc. It's surprising, given the high budget for the series, that it was shot on monochrome videotape rather than colour film. BBC2, the channel which originally aired "The Forsyte Saga" during the first six months of 1967, broadcast the UK's first colour TV in July '67 with coverage of that year's Wimbledon tennis. You'd think that, being on verge of colour TV themselves and with opportunities to sell the series to overseas markets that already had colour, the BBC would have had the foresight to make the saga in colour.
I'm curious as to whether the UK version is also pan-and-scan, as the US version is. I have a multi-region player and would (obviously) prefer the non-pan-and-scan version if one is available. Thanks.
I was under the impression that the PAL standard was different than the NTSC standard. Pan-and-scan was probably the inappropriate term, but what I meant was that I've read that often-times the original UK versions are superior to the NTSC versions (transfer quality, cropping, etc.).
Edit: By the way, the Amazon description for the US version specifically mentions 'full-screen,' while the UK listing does not mention this. I thought it denoted a difference.
I know B&W is how it started out but I feel sure some later episodes were broadcast in colour
I wonder if you're confusing Forsyte with Up/Down? Series 1 of Upstairs, Downstairs had to be filmed in black and white (at the last minute, I think) but all the later episodes were in color.
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