Anne Forsyte's accent
I know it is supposed to be American, but she sounds more Scottish in places.
Love is never having to say you're sober.
I know it is supposed to be American, but she sounds more Scottish in places.
Love is never having to say you're sober.
Anne's accent was certainly weird. This was a case of an English actress trying to sound American and not quite pulling it off. I've heard other Brits mimic the accent very well, but not in this case. Of course we Americans don't always do THEIR accent any better.
But the actress who played Anne was pretty and more than adequate in the role otherwise, I thought. She demonstrated how incompatible Jon and Fleur would have been as a married couple. Unlike Fleur, Anne liked exactly what Jon liked---the country, horses, farming life---and she shared his goals. Can you picture Fleur ever doing that? Fleur liked the city, excitement, high society and being the center of attention. She got a very good deal when she married Michael, spoiled ungrateful brat that she was!
Anne was deliberately trying to sound English, for Jon's they mention that or discuss it?
Though you're right about Anne liking some of the things Jon likes and that Fleur prefers the city and parties, I don't think that makes her an ungrateful brat! Soames spoiled her horribly and she is still suffering from the fact that Jon just dumped her for his mother's sake.
It's not fair that she should suffer for Soames crime and Irene's mistake! I feel sorry for her and often wish that Jon had been man enough to defy his parents and marry her. But he's a mama's boy, a wimp and basically someone who jumps into relationships without thinking. It's not Fleur's fault that things turned out as they did, but mostly everyone else's!
She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.
It's more than a year later, so please forgive this last posting.
Jon and Fleur would have been completely wrong for each other no matter what happened in their parents' generation. Fleur would have become bored with him very quickly and he would have been irritated with her pretentiousness and social activities. He also didn't like living in the city.
Their parents all handled this badly; they should have told them the truth far earlier. Soames might never have admitted to raping Irene and he remained selfish about her to the end. Perhaps he never knew that she used him in a "jailbreak" marriage to escape the predatory intentions of her stepmother's new husband. We have only his word that she made no effort to make their marriage work. He reneged on his promise to set her free if it didn't work out.
In short, there was probably no other way this could have played out.
The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.
Thanks for posting! I was pleasantly surprised by this, since I had forgotten about this topic (here, not in my reading).
I think that this idea is at least partly true, but then, Jon and Fleur never had the chance to find out what would have happened if they had married.
Jon and Fleur would have been completely wrong for each other no matter what happened in their parents' generation. Fleur would have become bored with him very quickly and he would have been irritated with her pretentiousness and social activities. He also didn't like living in the city.
" escape the predatory intentions of her stepmother's new husband." (Venus above).
I think I'm right in saying that that was an invention by the BBC and was not mentioned by Galsworthy.
As bad as was the accent used by her "brother," Anne - at first - sounded to me like Bette Davis playing an Irishwoman, then that accent went away and I occasionally heard a tad of the Scotswoman, as well.
I grew up putting "WOOSS-te-sheer" sauce on steak. We Americans aren't all *that* ignorant. (Admittedly, my mother was an Anglophile, and I remember watching the investiture of Prince Charles as POW on TV as a kid.)