Cigar Smoking Scene

I do think that tis movie was cute and positve but kind of unrealistic due to the fact that with all the trouble that Mary and Rachel was getting into, that when they are caught smoking cigars they were not met with the kind of punishment that nuns used to dish out back then, like a yardstick to their backsides. A scene like that could of even been played out in a comedic way.


I never attended Catholic school but I have heard the stories of nuns and their rulers. My opinion is that back then, they just didn't want the violence. As you know, anything goes today but 40-some years ago, it was different. Think about it - there was little to no spanking on tv shows so I'm not surprised that you don't see Reverend Mother taking a ruler to Mary and Rachael. Perhaps if there is that remake that this board often mentions - Reverend Mother will handle the girls differently instead of sentencing them to "POTS - - TILL THE END OF THE TERM."




I attended Catholic school in grades K thru 2nd. I remember only the threat of the ruler (for unruly behavior?). Notice that in the movie, Mother Superior was at the point of expelling the girls, and both of them were most worried about the consequences of that. They had certainly learned their lesson when they didn't get expelled but did have to scrub pots till the end of the term and each write a one thousand word essay.

Rachel: I was gonna give up smoking anyway. I never did like it.
John, 44


I have ALWAYS thought that cigars were a "guy's only" thing. I didn't know women could smoke them. Maybe they are not popular enough among women. Anyway I wondered what their parents thought about that. Especially if one of the fathers was a cigar smoker and would hate to see his daughter smoke one of his cigars.
