Missing character?

Something I came across? There is supposedly a character named Traynor in the film, but the only time anyone by that is even mentioned is when Tina explains to Matt that her partner (Jim Traynor) was killed by the blonde assassin played by Kovack.

Was this a deleted scene, before the opening credit perhaps? It would explain the reason why Kovack's appearance is brief (she had one other scene). Maybe she's called by her name in the missing scene. Supposedly her name is Barbara but she is never called that in the film, is she?


Rickeybobby ------- Good observation! Good question! What I would give to know the answer to that one. Better yet. What I would give to see those lost scenes. Wow! Hot Nancy seducing and stabbing her would be lover. They could be, as they say, on the cutting room floor somewhere.
