Just seen this again recently on local TV, and it set my mind to thinking. If they actually do a remake of "The Silencers", and if they should happen to stay close to the light approach of the original, who should play the part of Gail, made famous by the one and only Stevens?
I honestly can't think of a good candidate for the role.
You pose a really good queston and my instincts say the same thing at first. Nobody. But then I start to thinking There are no good mature female comic actresses today. Not the college girl "Lindsey Lohan type but real women. Older. Maybe Krista Lane. Outside of her I draw a blank.
Stella Stevens owns that role. I could not imagine anyone else doing it!!! Also, I think it would lose alot in the translation if it was made today----I just think that the whole swingin' 60's ness of the movie was spot on. It just wouldn't be the same with out Stella and Dean.
I think Jenny McCarthy would be able to do a credible job including looking hot with red hair, bringing something different to the role and getting laughs.
Would she be better than Stella Stevens? Short Answer: No
This is a fun movie and it has to be judged in the context of the era. It was always a favorite when it ran on television late at night.
Currently watching "It's A Mad ....Mad World" yet again, and it dawned on me that Edie Adams probably could have brought off the role of Gail.
No reason, outside of the narrow Hollywood view, that the character had to be played by an actress young enough to be Dino's daughter (which was Stevens' age at the time).
Adams might have worked. Would have been interesting to find out.
From time to time, for whatever reason, it has occcurred to me that (going in the "young enough to be his daughter" direction) either Jocelyn Lane or Quinn O'Hara might have worked also.
I still have no idea for a new Gail (present-day), however.
Gee, I keep answering my own post, but that's okay. I'll keep it going.
Somebody told me (so I can't say that it's actually true) that Joi Lansing (what I've seen of her, wow!) almost got the role of Gail. Now, that would have been interesting.
Of the remake (if ever made), it's supposed to be more serious than the original, but that's just the plan for right now. Most of these remakes eventually turn up as comedic versions, regardless. And you know that they'll probably go with somebody more high profile, but how about . . . Alison Brie.
I only know her from "Community", but she's both sexy and funny on there. Could really work as the new Gail?
No, Barb Rhoades would not be starring in any remake. Merely throwing it out there that if not Stella back in '66, then who else could have possibly been a good choice.