The alternate ending

Has anybody ever seen the filmed alternated ending. I understand it was shot but have never seen it. This is a great film and I picked up the latest DVD last week. The Roadshow version is just wonderful.

I apprciate any comments.


Hmmm... I saw this movie in the during its original release. I was all of 5 years old (what were my parents thinking?!). Needless to say it left an impression and on watching it again for the first time in over 40 years, I was suprised the ending was somewhat different than I had remembered it? My recollection was that SM's character cried out/yelled at the end. Obviously not a big change and propably misremembered by me, but -- how was the alternative ending supposed to have differed?



I think that alternate ending ended up on the cutting room floor. are you talking about the one that McQueen had Wise film where Holman lives? I'd love to see it too.


I could swear I saw the alternate ending, but not sure where. It's not my copy of the dvd. Maybe it was in his bio.


I saw this on TCM one afternoon and the host said that there was an alternate ending, though I cannot recall what it is.


I saw the roadshow one in 1967 same ending

See some stars here


Hey folks,

I do not recall ever hearing that an alternative ending was made for the film. That seems to make sense to me since the novel pretty much ended the same way as the film was ended. I think the novel and the film were both excellent.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile
