Hi everyone,
it appears to me that a solid fact about Zombies has been forgotten through recent years due to horrors in recent years portraying them as cannibals. As a results of this, many a young film fan are less educated about them so I shall clear this up for everybody once and for all.
Zombies do not eat people. Ghouls do. Even Romero, amazing creator of the 'Living Dead' series had the script refer to the creatures in Night Of The Living Dead as Ghouls. Pollution by media (surprise surprise) and other filmamakers cashing in on Romero's idea now have everyone calling Ghouls Zombies instead. Zombies, although similar in physique, are simply reanimated to do their Masters bidding.
And while we're on the subject the creatures in 28 Days Later we're neither. They was still alive but infected with a supervirus.
Don't have nightmares, do sleep well x