MovieChat Forums > One Million Years B.C. (1967) Discussion > Another similiar prehistoric film? - c....

Another similiar prehistoric film? - c. 1970s/80s

I recently saw this Raquel Welch film - at last! - and it reminded me I have seen a very similar plot-lined film - but it was made later, c. 1970s/80s - about a man & woman and their life in prehistoric times.

It was a similar story idea, and was also a non-talking film, except for lots of 'Uggs' of course!

It was slighty more 'serious', less stylised (like so many 60s films were), and more grainy in its photography style.

Anybody know this film? - I can't remeber its title or anything about the actors - any ideas?

from M.W.



Hi wendybrad

Thanks for that reply - I think we've seen these oldies at some time too! as the titles ring a bell ( though interestingly LoveFilm does not! hire them out - shame!) but it is not the film I wanted. The film I am looking out for is much more serious, more like a documentary, filmed in colour but almost grey/sepia-toned, with the hardship of survival being central to the plot.

Any more ideas anyuone? I can't even think how to start looking for this film, what criterai to use in a Search, or which website would be best!





I had coincidentally just managed to find info on what seemed the right film, called 'The Clan of the Cave Bear', online a few days ago, and was about to rent it as a DVD! So we'll see!

I think that is the right film as I am fairly surely I haven't seen the French-entitled 'La guerre du feu' ('Quest for Fire). But I'm going to try to rent that too!

Will let IMDB messageboard know how I get on.

I so hate not being able to remember a film!! - it plays on your mind for ages!

Thanks for all your help.




Hi wendybrad

Thanks for your message.

Unfortunately we are still waiting for delivery of the DVD of 'Clan of the Cave Bear' from LoveFilm!!

Will let you know when we’ve seen it at last!

But am failry sure, the more I think of it, that 'Clan of the Cave Bear' WAS the film I was thinking of.

Faulty memory, I don't know!!

M.W. (film - TV)
