
It's stupid, but bear with me....
When I was small, I saw a film with a topless man tied to a structure of some sort. A woman at some point tries to release him. There is what can only be described as a tarantula attacking people, a man falls down and is eaten. Now, I'm gleaning this off ancient memory, but what I'd like to know is, is this 'scene' in this film?


No, it's from When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (Hammer, 1971). The "tarantula" is in fact supposed to be a giant crab, but it's dimly lit. It was at first intended to be a sequal to One Million Years BC, but Raquel Welch was unavailable. So they used Victoria Vetri, not too shabby herself. the stop-motion effects were by Jim Danforth, again not quite up to par with Ray Harryhausen but definatly a respectable effort.


Oh, brilliant, thank you!


"When I was small, I saw a film with a topless man tied to a structure of some sort"

Erm, why did you go with a topless man? And who was tied to the structure? Sounds a bit ominous to me!!
