it took 90 trillion years to turn a fish into a dog...
so i find this movie hard to believe.
shareWell, considering the Big Bang happened only 14 billion years ago, I find that statement even harder to believe.
shareyou do realise that this movie is infact a movie.
shareI'm suddenly glad that I don't like the taste of fish. I could be eating somebody's dog and I'm a pet owner myself.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
The TC should regard this film as a fantasy and not an accurate one. Besides, mammals did in fact live with dinosaurs. They were very tiny rodent-like things though.
Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
Exactly ^
I also read afew minutes ago that the title was deliberately made unrealistic so people would know that it is not meant to be a historicly accurate depiction.
One Million years B.C ? For there to be dinosaurs it would have to be One Hundred Million years B.C, and even then, that's the cretacious era (isn't it ?) so the Allosaurus would not be there. Or, if it turns out that 100 million years B.C was the late jurassic, then the triceratops would not be there.
You get the picture.