I'm remaking this film.

I would like imput from the original cast and crew and all who would like to be a part of it. I have the actress and her demo reel. Her Name is Melisa We have a director who has worked on 300 features. A DP that cant be beat. We need CG graphics guys, I have a line on the guys who worked on Jurassic Park, and finally the $$$. We are looking at a man who has secured up to 100 million dollars for other projects. Copy and past Melisa's cave woman video/demo reel clip and pass it on. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9150916256388069062&hl=en


This is the woman who will be the next Raquel Welch. Mellisa




Somehow I arrived on this message board. My original starting point was David Lynch. Ha, I love this fricken website. Anyway, that girl is quite beautiful and actually does bear a striking resemblance to Raquel. However, what is with the clip, especially the chicken part? That was freakin hilarious. Anyway, yeah if she can actually act (which is not evident in the clip) she could make it big I suppose.

With the Fire in me now.


...Is this a joke?

...On second thought, please don't answer that.

Let's just pretend for a moment that this is a semi-serious proposition:

Up to 100 million for a caveman movie? Look, I know actors' fees are pretty ridiculous now, but, really, how much money can you possibly throw at one of these movies? CG dinosaurs are a dime a dozen and that includes overhead (those 6000USD custom PCs don't upgrade themselves, after all). Locations are equally cheap and plentiful if you expand your geographic preferences.

And just who, may it be asked, is this 300-times cineasted (I know that's not a word, but it should be; it's like "seasoned" but quantifiable) director, anyway? And who is this unbeatable DP? Oh, wait, don't tell me, there's a non-disclosure agreement keeping you from saying so? How very convenient.

Alright, now let's go back to knowing that this really is a great big joke:

That's a good one, tell me another.


I'm terrible at interpreting sarcasm. Please tell me, is this a joke?


To be absolutely, totally, utterly, 112-percent honest, I don't think anyone actually knows, I don't even think the originator of this post knows if it's a joke or not. I mean, you know these Hollywood types!



This was a silly fun film as a KID when I saw it on TV. HOWEVER, there are a few things (if not more) wrong with the film, namely the TITLE. Dinosaurs were exctinct 65-70 million years B.C., not 1 million. Also...man did not exist when the dinosaurs did, cavemen did not appear until around 4 million b.c. IF anyone is brave enough to remake this film, they will have to do some serious re-thinking of the title and the concept. I would never remake a film like this, the whole story is just too silly...but then again...considering the garbage Hollywood puts out, maybe it will work.


It's called an imagination. You need it to watch movies. If you don't got it, than don't hurt yourself. Find a secure job working for The Man and take care of your wife and kids. Capeesh?


Uh...not a whole lot of imagination going on in this film!



Just wondering, Tomtkh, what do you think of the 1940 One Million B.C.?

What you see is not necessarily what you get,
Not trying is dying, keep trying unto death....


I never saw this 1940 version, is it a full-length feature film? I would love to see it. I do have the 1966 One Million Years B.C. on DVD, because it is a favorite of mine as a child, but I never could understand why the producers/writers seemed to not care about the scientific logic of the title AND placing dinosaurs and man in the same era. No comprendo!


Of course producers don't care about scientific logic; it's a known fact that Dinosaurs fill more seats than Prehistoric Mega-Fauna. If "Jurassic Park" was "Mammoth Park" it probably wouldn't have done as well.

As for One Million Years B.C. ... audiences like big numbers. I mean, when "Daleks: Invasion Earth 2155AD" was released in Italy, the title was translated as "Daleks: One Million Years in the Future" I guess Italians don't expect much progress to be made in the next million years.

Anyway, the 1940 version is feature-length. At least, it was feature-length by 1940 standards... you get the idea. It's not a half-bad movie, really. It's a weird cycle, these caveman movies. You're right, they're complete nonsense, yet so many were made. It's interesting...


Matsugawa FTW




I was a kid when this first came out. We laughed at this movie. We knew it was stupid, but we liked watching dinosaurs on the cinema screen. I remember thinking, "Maybe he's stumbled into some hidden valley lost world where dinosaurs survived?" That's called using your imagination, if you like. Kids are apparently more sophisticated than the people who made these movies for them. It was just a bit of fun.

Look how sophisticated kids are now. Jurassic Park was basically a film where guys meet dinosaurs, they run away, struggle and fight and then escape. But even the mysterious island or plateau in the jungle didn't work anymore because we've got Google Earth now and we can see there ain't no dinosaurs anywhere. So they had to come up with the 'Dino DNA' bit of pseudoscience. You're right. This film is just too silly. Even the Jurassic Park idea might be tricky to do again. But it has more going for it than 'Cavemen and Carnosaurs', which really must be extinct?


Well, if you do end up making the film, let me know. I would love to see it as it seems that nobody makes these sort of movies anymore. Just a note of advice though, I highly doubt that this film will cost 100 million to make. A good film maker can make a great smash blockbuster for about maybe a couple hundred grand. And, what people say above is absolutely right, CGI is extremely cheap nowadays (If you were going to attempt a harryhausen and do stop-motion that's another story) and there is pleanty of royalty free music in the archives that sounds good even in today's twisted world so try to save every cent you can as people may try to mislead you to get your money. Now, I'll repeat myself; good luck with your project and be sure to contact me when you make the film or at least get a trailer, thank you.


People, this was obviously a joke. Look at the clip again. The joke is that some producer travels back in time to try and capture an actual cave girl to star in his movie. Too bad she didn't take off her piercing before shooting. LOL!

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."


Ha! I thought she was holding a giant corn dog at first!!!


Why don't you save your money.... do something original !!! DAMN REMAKES!


I saw this so long ago on here and found it again just now, clearly, and the nose stud, the chicken and the bonk bonk bonk.... I don't even have intelligent words for this, it's just the best joke if people believed it... And they did if they didn't watch the clip probably...
Somebody please make it exactly like their video? I can imagine a rubber chicken rising dramatically out of the ocean before being eaten by a giant crab thing only for it to choke on it quite terribly and the chicken ends up being found and revered by the tribe with the metal jewellery that is clearly master of all the clans.

Ugh, I'm too bored to keep going, give me my thousand dollars though please.

"Just wet yourself and get it over with."


