I don't get the hate surrounding the giant iguana. In all actuality it's much closer to the truth than the stop motion effects. Humans certainly never coexisted with dinosaurs, but it is a fact verified by the fossil record that anatomically modern humans and giant lizards existed on the planet at the same time, and may have encountered each other as late as 40 to 30,000 years ago.
If anything, though, I don't think the use of live action animals with stop motion figures blends very cohesively. Commit to one approach or the other, or else you risk distracting from the believability of both. Didn't mind it in this so much...the suspension of disbelief is already so far out the window, what's an enlarged iguana or two. But I found that the use of people and animals in rubber suits distracted from quite well done photographic tricks with live reptiles in the 1940 version. All things considered, without attempts to incorporate dinosaur suits, the creatures in that film (in reality modern animals enlarged to gargantuan size) are much closer to what early humans might have encountered.