There was a flying reptile known as a pterodactylus from the genus pterodactyl, and that is what appears in the film fighting the pteranodon. The Rhamphorhyncus skull would be very very long, like a gar fish...Rhamphorycus's were very tiny although that didn't stop Jim Danforth from creating a twenty foot wingspan on one in WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH.
No one has animated a Dimorphodon yet, but they would really be cool because their heads are so demonic looking. (Don't let the fact that they are only the size of pigeons bother can make them as big as you's fantasy after all.)
There was this beautiful tall painting in the American Museum of Natural History in New York (the painting's still there) of all the pterosaurs all different types, flying around and nesting on this seaside cliff at sunset. It was a way of putting the critters in one place so that the viewer could see them all and relate each other in size and shape.
Now of course, there are hundreds of different flying reptiles that have been discovered since then in fossil form, one, as big as a jet plane. I always felt they should have called that big boy, Rodanadon....but that's just me. :)
Allosaurs ain't that big anyway...the one in the Valley of Gwangi is the size of a T-rex and they were not. There is an allosaur (adult) skeleton in the Natural Museum in Los Angeles and he isn't much bigger than the one depicted in the MILLION YEARS film...
However ALL of the other creatures are much bigger than they would be in real life....but that's show biz.
(P.S. There was a rhamphoryncus in stop motion form in LOST CONTINENT (1951) and another one in an older movie called MYSTERY OF LIFE. He gets around!)