My Favorite Blooper

My favorite movie blooper of all time is in this flick.
First off, I want to say I love this movie, so what if it's anachronistic (dinosaurs/cavemen/dinosaurs from different eras)? I tell people that I first saw in on TV when I was 8 or 9, it had DINOSAURS, cool scenery and oh yeah, some pretty lady in a fur outfit....Now I tell them it's got RAQUEL WELCH IN A FUR BIKINI and some dinosaurs....
OK, my favorite blooper; when John Richardson first encounters Raquel, he faints dead away (and who can blame him?), just after a giant prehistoric sea turtle appears over the dune behind him. Raquel points to it and yells, "Archelon! Archelon!" The rest of the Shell People point and yell "Archelon!"
Trouble is, Archelon (pronounced ark-ye-lon) is the critters scientific name.
Smart people in this Shell Tribe...
So I'm a dinosaur geek. Check out my user name.


This does not surprise me one bit. It's a ridiculous title for a movie, and the concept is also ridiculous -- but -- I loved it as a kid, it's still fun watching now. I am surprised anyone pulled this off back then, maybe they were stoned (it WAS the 60's).


There was an earlier black and white version too, of which this film was a remake. So, don't blame the 60's for it's historical inaccuracies. Just blame Hollywood.


The shoot was nearly ruined when someone in catering shouted 'Free Buffalo Steaks' and the set was promptly overrun with....Zulus!....thousands of them.

In the beginning there was Dog. The real name of Jehovah is Rover.


My favorite blooper was when the ape people were fighting in the cave, and one got thrown against the wall, and it moved.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)



I'll have to watch for that one next time.


This isn't in the DVD, and I never saw this till tonight on my dvr from TCM. They showed they entire uncut film, and I wondered if that flaw was why they edited it out of the U.S.version, then I saw them placing the beheaded ape man head on the pole and figured that is why this was removed.
