Mario Nascimbene's Epic Score

Next to Raquel Welch, the best thing about the picture is the great Mario Nascimbene's gigantic-sounding score.

One critic said, 'The music sounds like JUDGEMENT DAY' (and he wasn't talking about any Terminators).

The suite's on YouTube:


I also loved the music, as well as his score for the similar When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth. He seems to have had a knack for writing million dollar scores for ten dollar pictures (not to say that this is a ten dollar picture).


As I've said in another post, the music here sort reminds me of The Art of Noise.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


it's very european. if you enjoy 70's euro movies like I do, the music is sort of a standard. very spooky, kind of romantic, it's just great. the Italians seem to do it best. similar to the spaghetti westerns music in a way. an era gone by..
