Papillon deja vu scene

Strange no one has remarked about how the swamp/bayou scenes in Nevada Smith with McQueen as a prisoner were amazingly like the ones in the later 1970s Papillon with Dustin Hoffman. I mean same actor, similar clothing, same scenario except no encounter with lepers! (<:


I haven't scene Papillon since it was out in the theaters, but it reminded me of it. Only thing missing was eating bugs.


Absolutely: Convict hard labor in a swamp, scheming to get a boat and supplies etc. I wouldn't be surprised if this played into the decision to cast him in Papillon.

"We got a job",
"What kind?",
"The forever kind...".



Strange no one has remarked about how the swamp/bayou scenes in Nevada Smith with McQueen as a prisoner were amazingly like the ones in the later 1970s Papillon

I just saw it tonight and "Papillon" came to mind when I was viewing that swamp sequence.

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